4 Tips: How to Promote Your Business Before an Event

4 Tips: How to Promote Your Business Before an Event

Here’s four tips on how to promote your business before an event.

Our networking group will be hosting a booth at the San Diego Women’s Week conference on 3/11. Here's some of the ways we'll be promoting our businesses before the event.

1.  Publicize Your Involvement
Send an email to your database, post on your website, and social media to let everyone know that you're attending the conference.

2.  Pre-Event Chatter
Tweet and post regularly using the event hash tags and any relevant keywords.  Comment on other posts about the event.

3.  Breaking News
If you have breaking news, sent out a press release before the conference, sharing valuable business news.

4.  Pre-Network
Join the conference Facebook page or group and connect with other vendors.  Reach out to speakers or other exhibitors.  Follow their social media and comment.

Contact us to learn how you can join us to grow your business!!

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