Natalie Endozo | NatyCrops Custom Storybook Design
FOREVER Ambassador & CM Advisor NatyCrops Custom Storybook Design
13223 Black Mountain Rd, #299
San Diego California 92129
My passion for memory keeping comes from the need to know who my ancestors were and wanting my descendants to know who I am, how life is during my time and the things that I’ve done to help make a difference. I am a retired software engineer who worked in the medical device, power and consumer entertainment industries collectively for 26 years. An avid and lifelong scrapbooker, my hobby turned into a side business in 2007, which was formalized in 2011 as NatyCrops Custom Storybook Design. Through NatyCrops, I am able to pursue my passion to help people tell and preserve their family’s stories through memory-keeping. I am an independent ambassador for FOREVER® and an independent advisor for Creative Memories™.

FOREVER® is the world’s only permanent online memory-keeping system. It is guaranteed for your lifetime plus 100 years with the intent of being used by multiple generations beyond your own. FOREVER is the perfect digital home to permanently preserve and safeguard your precious memories and family legacy.

Creative Memories™ is a global leader in the scrapbook industry of high-quality, innovative, world-class memory keeping products.